In the next academic year I’ll be one of the lecturers for Topics in Discrete Mathematics at the University of Bristol. This comes in two flavours- the level H/6 unit MATH30002 for third-year students, and the level M/7 unit MATHM0009 for those in the fourth year (which adds a project component).
This will be the first year such a course has been offered at Bristol, and it has been deliberately designed to allow some flexibility in the content. I’ll be covering the fundamentals of graph theory, and the main topics I intend to cover are Euler tours, Hamiltonian circuits, adjacency matrices / spectral graph theory, planarity, and the Platonic solids. This will be largely self-contained, although some confidence with linear algebra will be helpful in places. If you’re a student currently weighing up choices for next year, and have any questions about this part of the course, feel free to get in touch!